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Content Strategy + Implementation

“At Missouri Life, we wanted to begin integrating social impact themes—especially sustainability and environmental stewardship—into our business development and editorial. Our market research shows our audience of 115,000+ Missourians cares about these topics. We hired Nate to help us map out a comprehensive social impact strategy spanning sales, marketing and editorial storytelling across our broadcast, digital and print media platforms. Without his strategy and consulting support, we would have been swimming without a clearly defined direction. With Nate’s help, in less than five months we’re now generating regular sustainability editorial and adding five-figure sponsorships in the sustainability impact category to meet our audience’s needs. Together, we get to spotlight Missouri’s environmental leadership and opportunities for continued growth and investment. Thank you, Nate and Silver Maple Strategies!”

– Deborah Marshall, director of sales
and marketing, Missouri Life

Grant Proposal Development

Case Studies


Emily Lehning of Roots & Legacies Consulting Achieves $5MM Grant Proposal Clarity And Strategy For Her Client
On Deadline

When Emily Lehning’s company, Roots & Legacies Consulting, was working with a West Coast-based processor interested in pursuing grant funds, she reached out to Nate Birt at Silver Maple Strategies.​

“The problem we needed to solve was to help our client get clear about what they were asking for and align it with the request for proposals (RFP) requirements,” shares Lehning, referencing a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant opportunity they identified as a good fit for their client. 

Learn how Roots & Legacies partnered with Silver Maple Strategies to develop and successfully submit its client's grant proposal.

Annual Report Development

Case Studies

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Ryan Slabaugh
Of Think Regeneration Successfully Develops
A Public-Facing Resource
For Showcasing Farmer Impact

Helping farmers transition to regenerative agriculture and building regional food systems are among the top priorities of rapidly growing nonprofit Think Regeneration. To support its continued impact in literal fields and communities across the U.S., Think Regeneration needed an annual report to tell its story and clarify its key differentiators for current partners and prospective funders.


That’s when founder Ryan Slabaugh reached out to Nate Birt at Silver Maple Strategies.

"The real thread of all our programs needed an outside voice to clarify, 'Here's what you guys are really doing.' It may sound trite and overly simplistic, but that's the essence," Slabaugh recalls.

Here's how Think Regeneration partnered with Silver Maple Strategies to plan, research, and write its annual report.

Business Development Support

Case Studies

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Lesli Moylan and Jamin Bray
Of Missouri Environmental Educa􀆟tion Associati􀆟on Accelerate Business Development Clarity,

A strong desire to secure funding to maintain and expand programming and resources for formal environmental educators, nonformal environmental educators, and young leaders led co-directors Lesli Moylan and Jamin Bray of Missouri Environmental Educa􀆟on Associa􀆟on (MEEA) to contact Nate Birt at Silver Maple Strategies.

“It was definitely capacity,” Jamin says. “We have a lot of things that we need and want to do that we just did not have enough money for.”

Together, Lesli and Nate co-created a two-month Fundraising Support Engagement spanning weekly sprint-based coaching calls, monthly skills-building conversaô€†Ÿtions, a Fundraising Wayfinding Workshop with MEEA’s Board of Directors, and 24/7 support for updaô€†Ÿting conference sponsorship, fundraising, and markeô€†Ÿng materials to advance MEEA’s goals.


Here's what that collaboration made possible.

Executive Coaching 

Working with Nate has been a true pleasure. His deep domain expertise, vast network, and collaborative style have had a meaningful impact on my journey into regenerative agriculture. He has helped me develop approaches to be more effective with my public communication, as well as partnering with me on how I can best present myself and my work in 1:1 communications. He has helped me grow my network by connecting me with leaders in regenerative agriculture. Beyond this, he has been a positive and constructive thought partner on how I can achieve impact with my work, always giving important feedback but doing so in a way that helps me move forward and grow.

Rhys Algar, entrepreneur, New York
(coaching client)

© 2022 by Silver Maple Strategies, LLC.

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